Up 6:30. Listened to some of disc 5 of Monk/Okzaki.Made coffee.
Finished notes on current R&B disc, 7:30-8:30.
Read last few p. Ponge.
A Dani DaOrtiz performance video (card magic) that I started last night was in there too.
Groceries. No lemons, onions, or avocados, most other produce and dry goods available.
10-noon, shut myself in to write. Not much focus, didn’t get beyond rolling revisions on graf about harmony. Hung up on how to express the relationship between Western “common-practice” and “popular harmony” (Tagg’s “everyday tonality”).
Helped Bree start a stew.
Tried to close a lot of tabs, clean up loose ends. Made some Bandcamp orders (Ted Hattemer, Flowers of America, a Monk project Christgau recommended by an L.A. concern called Mast), downloaded an ebook by Steve Zultanski, msg’d with Ethan Stoller about a 50s singer (Wini Beatty) I’m curious about. Took a short walk outside.
Watched the rest of that Earl Sweatshirt/Cheryl K. Harris MOCA talk - she talks about the basic theses/insight of “Whiteness as Property,” not a ton of meat otherwise.
Also - this Fall Peel session from 1983: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPAiOLd-0f0
And a good Brazilian gtr album I can’t find the link to.
Read Walter Hughes, “In the Empire of the Beat: Discipline and Disco.”
Needed a break around 3, watched The Bad Sister (Hobart Henley 1931), w/ Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart billed below Conrad Nagel.
Took a walk in here somewhere.
Venting sort of COVID/Trump post on a listserv.
Started Mark Slobin, Folk Music, in the “Very Short Introduction” series. Not bad.
Watched about 20 min of It’s In The Bag (Richard Wallace 1945) w/ Bree — a Fred Allen vehicle, which we were supposed to see at Film Forum Monday.
2 “Lear” poems, while listening to disc 6 Okzaki.
Lights out 11, dharma talks.