
Slept fitfully - up for awhile around 1.
Up 7. Read news.
8:30-9:15 - form notes, disc 4, 1947. 4 AABAs in 1st 11 tracks.
Outside for about 15 min, to RiteAid. May try to intercept next delivery of (e.g.) rubbing alcohol Mon. night.
Made coffee. Worked on same graf on harmony 10:45-1 pm. Not easy to focus - looked at news several times; more intense lockdown starting Sunday.
Tried to help Bree figure out FaceTime on her computer.
Called Dad. He feels vulnerable, less to the virus than to shortages and infrastructural failures. So far, the caregivers have been reliable.
Took another walk around 3:30. People seem warier on the street than even yesterday. More masks.
Online. More bandcamp orders - Peter Hess, Christina Schneider, Emily Hope Price.
Read 22 p. Slobin. (Weak on the reading front today.)
After dinner, wrote to my cousin Tony & to Mitch about mixing the record in May w/o my presence - which means I have to work on notes & instructions before sending the drive.
Watched 20 min. of the Fred Allen movie w/ Bree.
(Have been too distracted to watch The German Sisters2 “Lear” poems, while listening to William Tyler’s “Beautiful Music” mix from a defunct AM station.
Made a kind of ‘scorecard’ w/ my categories of (ideally) daily activity, to print out each day and keep me sane.
Lights out midnight, dharma talks.