Up 7. Read some news, watched late night monologues.
Coffee, breakfast. Longer conversation w/ Bree than we sometimes have in the mornings.
Started Wesley Brown’s Darktown Strutters, a novel set around minstrel days, w/ the protagonists being the quasi-historical Jim Crow and a fictive son (Jim Too). Recommended by Christgau and Eric Lott. Promising.
Form notes, 10 R&B songs (Jordan’s “Boogie Woogie Blue Plate,” a paradigmatic blues-w-a-bridge).
Worked 10:45-1. Substantial graf about non/quasi-function pop harmony. Went better than usual; felt good, rather than defeated, at end of session. Sent it.
Lunch. Conference call w/ rest of building board; came in late b/c phone was on airplane mode.
Went to Espresso 77, w/ mask (Now required/strongly encourage, though there’s no “civil penalty” yet in NYC, per Governor Cuomo) to pick up two lbs. of coffee (was running out, mail order won’t come for a few more days); same system as Stand Alone Cheese. Furthest I’ve been from the apartment (five blocks) since before Mar. 16. Back before 4.
Relaxed and visited w/ Bree until 6.
Read 25 p. of Brown, 20 p. Lisa Russ Spaar, Orexia (quietly dense poems w/ a devotional cast - title is a combining form meaning “of the appetite,” as in ‘anorexia,’ which maxes sense but I had to look it up).
Listened to George Adams/Don Pullen Band, Life Line.
Showed Bree an Q&A w/ CBS’s medical correspondent (an M.D.) that was clear and useful on fabric and food.
Listened to the new Dylan song - has a bridge.
Worked on the Carl/Alex conversation for 15 min. Behind.
Thought about trying Pomodoro (25 m. sprints, w/ breaks) for more tasks.
Lights out around 11:30. Listened to podcast about the Science Wars/Sokol Hoax.