Slept badly - up around 2.
Up 9:30. Lost my morning.
Coffee. Bree called Ron in L.A.; good to talk.
Took walk after 12.
Worked 12:30-2. Wrote 200 words about static harmony - a start, but the time went quickly. Didn’t send anything.
Late lunch.
Downloaded a pomodoro app. Need to systematize/routinize some things to get more done in a day (and to play music at all). Tasks done or worked on this way marked w/ (P)
Called dad, with Bree. Conversation generated another round of atty/accountant emails.
Discussed a grocery order, but we decided not to set a date until later.
Did more alphabetizing (collecting Bs while also picking out gospel CDs for a separate section, and filing stray As and classical discs). That’s really all I did until 5:30.
Read 1/2 quota of Brown.
Finally exercised. Form notes on 5 songs.
Put up a building notice. Second walk around 6:30.
Cleaned bathroom, worked on editing mixing notes, processed email (P)
Worked on setting for David Hadju’s lyric (“Hold the Flashlight”). Didn’t get too far, but its the longest I’ve sat at the piano in weeks. (P)
Dinner around 10. Read until 11:15, to p. 140 Brown, + 20 p. Spaar.
Lights out 12:30. Put on Locate S,1 (Christina Schneider), Personalia.