Up 7. Listened to a short dharma talk.
7:30-9: Breakfast, coffee, 50 p. Willie the Lion, finished listening to Flowers of America.
Put on a harsh synthy record by the Units while making breakfast, but we both realized it was too much for Bree.
9-10: Exercise, R&B.
10-ish. showed Bree how to (try to use) check deposit app, so she can either get it to work or satisfy herself that it doesn’t (b/c of check size, lighting, or whatever), so I can go to the bank in the next few days. (She gave up before 11).
11:15-1. Tried to get back to writing conclusion to current section, but wasted most of the time.
1-2: Read another section of Theory, A Sunday. Added a couple more thoughts/sentences to the above, as they came to me. Quick email exchange w/ David H. about the song. Read a short article on Monk by Martin Williams.
2-3: Lunch
3-4: Worked on “Flashlight”
4-5: Spent an hr. online while Bree was on a Zoom call; mostly, watched the first 1/2 hr. of a recent Globe production of Hamlet.
5-6: Tea/snack w/ Bree - had a 2nd cup of coffee for the 1st time in 6 weeks.
6-7: Walk, worked on email until 7:45
About an hour for dinner; played 2/3 of The Warm World of Joao Gilberto, a single CD that compiles his 1st 3 LPs + 2 or 3 other songs. (It’s remarkable how short many of his original versions of the Jobim/de Moraes classics are — even “Desfanisado” is barely 2 minutes, b/c it’s just 1 chorus w/o solos or reprises, and he takes it at a clip.) Liners have all the Portuguese lyrics. I wonder how hard it would be to translate “O Pato”?Flipped through a Penguin collection of Robert Burns, looking for something I thought I half-remembered, not really expecting to find it, but did: the lines “Naebody cares for me,/I care for naebody,” which end “I Hae a Wife O’ My Ain.” Need to know more about this! It it conceivable that Bert and/or Spencer Williams knew the poem (which has more in common, rhetorically, w/ BW’s “Nobody” than these lines).
Listened to what must be the song of the day, The Styrenes’ “Drano in Your Veins”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb5yiLBrV54
Misc. - signed up for a membership w/ The Jazz Gallery, for support and so I can watch lifestreams.
Figured out how to fold up the flat rate package. Listened to a little Judy Collins.
10-11:30. Joined a Zoom call of PopCon alumni, organized by Carl Wilson. Haven’t ‘socialized’ this way much, but it was ok.
Lights out 12:30.