
Up 7:30.
Usual morning. 30 p. Willie the Lion. (Finished later, about 10 am)
Form notes, exercise. Wasted 20 min on phone w/ bank (about depositing a check; I’m not going to mail it, will have to wear a mask to ATM at off hours).
Walk. (Out of cigarettes.)
Worked 11-1. Wrote better (?) versions of first 2 grafs of conclusions - ok part is 476 words.
Read another section of Theory, A Sunday and the afterword - there’s one section in between that was too long to start today.
Cooked w/ Bree.
Watched 30 min. Hamlet, interrupted by a nap.
Watched part of an address by the President of the AMA w/ Bree. From April 7, so not really up to the minute; basically a plea for evidence-based decisions and policy. So much for that.
Dinner - fairly early for us.
Worked 40 min. or so on “Flashlight.”
Walked to the bank, masked, at about 9 to deposit tax refund. Street pretty dead, of course there had to be 1 maskless guy in the ATM lobby.
Watched 30 min. of Tip Top, a policier w/ Isabelle Huppert.
Read first 10 p. of the Clark Coolidge selected from Station Hill - very early work, from before Space, even. Reminds me — I have another poetry chat scheduled for next Sunday, so should start working on something again.
Lights out 11:45.