Up 7. Watched John Oliver, read last 20 p. of Poetic Closure.
Coffee. Form notes, 10 R&B songs. A lot more AABA on disc 3 of 1949. Exercised.
I love Louis Jordan’s “Beans and Cornbread” so much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM9jT2eM6KQ
Worked 11-1, though I petered out creatively w/in that. Sent graf.
Robertson, to p. 154 - will finish last 30 p. later, start new book/s tomorrow.
Read an interesting piece by Martin Jay on Trump, the Frankfurt School, and racketeering: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/trump-scorsese-and-the-frankfurt-schools-theory-of-racket-society/
Worked on mixing notes for Mitch, which I’d been neglecting. Took an hr+ to write them up for 3 songs, mainly “Faith & Credit.”
Cleared email for an hr. Realized I hadn’t sent some Covid links to the building email list, as promised - so I did that (which involved finding the addresses).
Finished Robertson about 6 pm. “Sometimes I feel it is the room that writes. But it needs the hot nib of my pronoun.”
Cracked Lethem’s Fortress of Solitude - not sure this is the time.
Typed 3 LEAR poems.
Bree cleaned some chard, I cooked it. Ate the last of the take-out chicken.
2nd walk.
Put in another hr. of work, 8-9. Drafted next 2 grafs (1 is short).
Watched half of Magic Town (William Wellman 1949) w/ Jimmy Stewart, Jane Wyman, Ned Sparks, Donald Meek &c. Watchable, but lays on the small-town charm w/ a trowel. Capra would be embarrassed at the “quirky, ordinary folks.”
Stayed up past midnight trying to get onto the Fresh Direct site w/ no luck. Got to the end of Rob M.’s poetry videos, closed tab until he posts more.