Up 7:30. Coffee, made buckwheat.
Exercise. 10 p. Lethem. No time for R&B.
Worked 10:30 to 1. Got the main graf fairly quickly, pretty good pass at the next, spent some time ascertaining the keys of a couple of original/cover pairs, send the graf, and finally did the chore of putting the recipients in an actual contacts/address book mailing list.
Read Lethem 1:30-3 - to p. 82.
Tried to help out w/ delivery difficulties - Instacart doesn’t look too promising. Not interesting, and frustrating b/c both my Mac and the internet are sluggish.
Form notes, 10 R&B song.
Little more Lethem. 100 p. a day is doable - big book, but I don’t want to spend weeks on it.
2nd walk.
Didn’t try too hard to be productive or creative tonight. Watched a very trivial hour-long B-picture, Saleslady (Arthur G. Collins 1938) with Anne Nagel. Read 1st 20 p. of Wendy Trevino, Cruel Fiction. Dealt w/ some open tabs and a little email.
Bree heard about the new CDC guidelines on cloth masks, and probably wants me to wear one when I go out briefly. I understand, but it’s one more thing to deal with.
Listened to another episode of that jurisprudence podcast, while also watching the first 45 min. of a (visually static, subtitled) Japanese film called Domains (Natsuka Kusano, 2019). I think I got the point of both, but it was an odd experience. About as psychedelic as I get.
Watched more of Magic Town w/ Bree but we were both pretty tired. Lights out 12:30.