
Up 6:30. Read Lethem 7-8.
Form notes, 10 R&B songs. Coffee, breakfast.
Exercise - 1st day at 3rd level.
Got all that done by 9. Coffee, breakfast, another 10 p. of Lethem. A few minutes of Domains - which it’s beginning to dawn on me is really pretty amazing, in a Brecht/Rivette way.
Worked 11-12:30. Got the graf done, and worked on next one, but knocked off a little early - already distracted, but the cheese shop called w/ my pick-up order. Bree made a bandana mask more or less per CDC guidelines, w/ a coffee filter and rubber bands. Went to pick that up, should have taken bags, got back by 1, put the mask in the laundry, washed up, etc.
Sent graf, read to 203 of Lethem by about 2.
Called dad. Had to do some family business by email. [In retrospect, my dad was needlessly stressed and possibly misinformed about something - the latter isn’t usual, the former is.]
Watched the rest of Domains and (w/ Bree) Magic Town after dinner.
Wasn’t up for anything more strenuous after that point - though I guess I did write a longish listserv post I’d been meaning to. Didn’t try to read/write poetry or do anything about music.
Was getting close to going to bed when I noticed a call from my dad’s number about 20 min. earlier. Got a busy signal, kept trying. Eventually, one of his caregivers (not the one on duty, but she’d been contacted) called me: my dad had some kind of seizure during dinner, and had been taken to San Antonio hospital. From there, I had a round of calls and texts with my uncle Anthony, his brother Joseph, my aunt Toni, the hospital ER, the caregiver who had been with him, and Alina, the head of Visiting Angels. Pieced together that he’d “stiffened up” and become unresponsive; he came to in the ambulance, but was confused/disoriented there and at the hospital. The doctor on duty said he had not known the time or, more worrying, the President’s name. He said they’d done a CT scan and hadn’t found evidence of stroke or anything else of note, but would probably do an MRI as well. A TIA/mini-stroke is still a possibility (grandma had a series of those, so did mom), but he also mentioned other possible causes (electrolytes, low blood sugar, though that wasn’t indicated by tests), and agreed that stress/anxiety could be a factor. I spoke to my dad in the emergency ward room for a few minutes — forming complete sentences, but groggy and drifting a big, and said he didn’t remember where he lived. I described the house. All this wasn’t more than 2 hrs after the original episode, so the shock was still wearing off and he could (largely) recover. But I don’t know what’s going on physically, and I’m blindsided, b/c this seems unrelated to his other medical troubles. Bree supportive thoughout, but can’t do much.