Up 8. Breakfast, coffee.
Got myself to digitize a song from Pylon vinyl box set, last think I need for the radio show. Could start recording tonight.
Paid an online bill Bree reminded me about.
Sat 15 min.
Got myself to writing at between 12 and 12:30 — revised a paragraph, with difficulty and breaks, by 3.
Read almost 50 p. Garnier. Shower.
Joined Daphne Brooks’ Zoom talk in the EMP Popular Music Books in Process series.
Finshed quota of Garnier. 30 min. piano - chromatic scales, lose control of tempo playing both hands around 150-160 bpm; also made a number of attempts to play 2 choruses of “Stella By Starlight” w/ metronome.
Spent about an hr. on radio show - recorded first back-announce segment, assembled next set, about 40 min. in now. Glad I’m working ahead.
Took out trash, short walk outside. Crossword. Caught up in poetry notebook (2 p., pretty fast and sloppy), no Ashbery b/c Bree went to bed and I left it on the nightstand. Lights out about midnight.