Up for a while at 5, back to sleep at 7, up for real at 10. Breakfast/coffee, spent some time following the inauguration.
I would say I started the day at noon. (I want to do today in some detail, so I can understand where more of my time is going.)
12-1. Posted yesterday’s entry. Downloaded a phone recording from yesterday, put it on soundcloud, posted to an online community (w/ some explanation). Couple of tweets. Snack.
1-2. Watched an 11 min. video critical of Buddhist philosophy. Got a little too involved in twitter. Sat Zazen 15 min. Other than that, unproductive hour.
2-3. Watched a video by The Regrettes. Ok pop. Read about 15 p. (244-263) Carnap, Logical Syntax of Language, w/ breaks for cooking videos when it got too hard.
3-4. Finished cooking video. Read a short WSJ article (on procrastination!) Spent most of the hour looking at another paragraph of my bridge chapter, about autonomy. Made a few rough revisions, had a hard time getting into it.
4-5:15: Shower, made coffee, therapy w/ Bree.
5:15-6:30: Online, this and that, accomplished little.
6:30-8: Worked on radio show. Got to near the 1:30 mark. Didn’t want to record my next talk segment, so started entering the playlist online, did about 1/4.
8-8:30: Updated this. Checked a couple of our online grocery orders.
Took out recycling, short walk. After doing the crossword, found I’d forgotten to fix something in yesterday’s, which broke my streak. So now I feel released from continuing it. Also phasing out Spelling Bee.
9:30-11: Worked on the Carnap paper, wrote a couple more grafs.
Lights out midnight.