Up 9:30 - slow start.
Breakfast, coffee.
Listened to an podcast interview w/ Pete Galub. Proofed and sent PopCon proposal.
Read 30 p. Low.
Spent afternoon on to-do list; cleared a lot of email, wrote to a publicist, called the bank, etc. Arranged to meet Pete at Chris Brokaw Thursday.
Started watching/listening the rec’d stream of Pierre Gallande’s George Brassen’s concert at Barbes, which I’ve had on deck for a few weeks.
Made some zucchini and Brussel sprouts. Got laundry together for tomorrow.
Read a bit more of Low. Realized that an unnamed poet whose kinks she discusses is someone I know; I suspected, but then there was an unmistakable detail (a reference to a minor literary work we’ve discussed).
Worked at E77 7-9:30 pm. Realized just before I left that I’d misspelled a name in the PopCon proposal (one I know exactly who on the committee will recognize and tick against me), so I fixed it and resent; RJ replied that he got it.Watched one episode of Prime Suspect. Helen Mirren is drinking more.
Finished Low; read 1st poem/section of Lisa Robertson, 3 Summers. Lights out 1 am.