Like the worker, the factory owner emerges into a world whose external conditions are already given, into a situation fixed in advance (even though the response to that situation is invented freely), and the acts and life styles of the previous generation are precisely a part of the basic situation faced by their successors. Thus, an essential part of the inheritance of the middle class, from generation to generation, is the fact of their own past violence, which is to say, the violence done by their fathers and grandfathers, and it is this that in a previous section we have called blood guilt.
— Fredric Jameson, Marxism and Form, 284-5
Woke up before 6, listened to procrastination podcasts.
Out of bed around 7. Forgot to weigh myself.
Started coffee, did hand exercises. Had breakfast.
Misc. online activity until 8, d/l’d and read first few pages of Amitava Kumar, Everyday I Write the Book (about academic writing, not Elvis C.)
Read 25 p. Jameson, Marxism & Form.
Clipped nails.
Read 1 Ashbery poem (midway through Planisphere).
Wrote 9-12, w/ breaks. Revised a few grafs of blues section, wrote a hasty draft on next graf in last 30 min.
Wasted a bit of time online and read more of Kumar. Book’s annoying (quotes de Botton).
Tweeted about St. Vincent, eventually deleted, as it invited misogynistic responses.
Called dad about 1:30-2:15. The usual, he has doctor’s appts coming up.
Replaced water filter w/ Bree.
Therapy 3-3:45. Writing anxieties brought on partly by Pop Con panels; what are they a screen for.
Sort of drifted 4-5, read a few more pages Kumar.
5-5:50, harmony. Also half watching The Man I Married (Irving Pichel 1938), w/ Joan Bennett, Frances Lederer.
Cleared out some email; requested a refund for an online workshop I hadn’t gotten much out of. Inbox at 145.
Wrote to Dave Schramm, asked Luigi F. for Linda Smith’s email; uploaded most of Viable to Soundcloud, fooled around with the running order.
Read to p. 81 of Kumar, some Jameson.
Brief walk outside. Finished quota of Jameson, to p. 300.
Scribbled page in poetry notebook.
Watched 30 min. of Cinema Novo (Erky Rocha, 2016)
Lights out after midnight.