
Non-dialectical thought establishes an initial separation, an initial dualism, naively imagining itself to be a subjectivity at work upon an objectivity wholly different and distinct from itself. Dialectical thinking comes as an enlargement upon and an abolition of this initial dualism, for it realizes that it is itself the source of that external objectivity it had imagined to be something separate.

— Jameson, Marxism and Form, 342.

Woke up at 9:15. 217.4. Procrastination podcast.
Hand exercises. JA poem.
Breakfast/coffee. Listened to some news w/ Bree.
Scrubbed tub for a few minutes. Shower, shave.
Wrote 11:30-1:15. Revising blues section.
Played “Speak Low” and “Moonlight In Vermont” on piano.
Left at 2 for Duane Reade, got my 2nd shot. Read 25 p. Jameson and wrote 1 p. Notebook poem will waiting, before and after.
Home around 3:30. Rested/dithered online, read to p. 128 Kumar.
Premastered 3 songs from Viable on Soundcloud, toward album submission. (Won’t quite finish until May.)
Worked on harmony for about an hr.; sent exercises to Judith B. for clarification, before I go on learning this step wrong.
Showed Bree the website for Celeste Holm’s estate auction; you could bid on her vocal score from the original Broadway production of Oklahoma! for around $2K-3K.
Listened to Pat Thomas & The Locals, Play the Music of Anthony Braxton. Finished reading Kumar; ambivalent.
Listened to a couple cuts from V/A, The Daisy Age. “Bonita Applebaum” in the cut.
Went to bed about midnight, read Jameson to p. 243.