
Such dialectical judgments enable us to to realize a momentary synthesis of the inside and the outside, of intrinsic and extrinsic, of existence and history: but it is a synthesis which we pay for by an objective historical judgment on ourselves.

— Jameson, Marxism and Form, 348

Woke up around 6. Arm sore from the shot, but don’t think I’m feeling other ill effects.
Started watching a really cheap b-movie, Stark Fear (Ned Hockman, 1962), w/ Beverly Garland.
Coffee, breakfast, talked to Bree. Hand exercises.
Read Jameson to p. 375.
Wasted time reading about procrastination.
Wrote about 30 min.
Nothing worth talking about for a couple hrs.
Tried to clear email for an hour, mostly a couple of long responses. 141 in inbox.
Read a bit more Jameson, + 2 JA poems. Wrote notebook poem.
Rested a bit, then cleaned and cooked some nettles Bree had put in our grocery order. Maybe not my favorite; better w/ some soy sauce. 
Listened to The Daisy Age during dinner. Some total madeleines of ’90-’91, like “My Idea of a Bombastic Jazz Style” and “O.P.P.”, and some I’d never heard, like DMX’s “Peachfuzz,” with a very young MF Doom.
Read to p. 400 Jameson. Watched another 40 min. of the Cinema Novo doc. Should finish both tomorrow.
Pre-mastered 3 more songs, and uploaded something else that might go on the comp.
Short walk outside around 10.
Up ’til 11:30, went to bead, quickly read ARC of Joel Huschle, False Memory of a Cape Cod Clam Shack, which I said I’d blurb. Started reading a couple of essays on the philosophy of procrastination, but they were extremely boring.