
As his physical powers defined, making hunting impossible, Sir Henry had taken to the pen; all over the world the friends of his youth began to receive very long, very dull letters from him. To Rhodesia, Tanganyika, Singapore; Australian, India, New Zealand and the Bermudas--Sir Henry’s epistles went forth; for he never considered it worth while to write to anyone nearer at hand. So the letters took a long time to get there, and the replies even longer to get back, and all the news was out of date; and this gave his correspondence a peculiar timeless quality which was very soothing.

— Margery Sharp, Cluny Brown, 30

Woke up 5:30, fussed around online, tried to get back to bed w/ limited success.
Up 8. Coffee, breakfast. Made some changes to a grocery order.
Read 25 p. Margery Sharp, Cluny Brown (the source of the Lubitsch movie). Amusing.
Read 2 JA poems.
Worked on blues 45 minutes - about 4 sentences, starting to get into “Trouble In Mind.”
Therapy 1 pm.
Blew off an hr., then listened to Linda Smith’s instrumental LP. Read a few more p. Sharp.
Ordered a couple of books/CDs and a Chantal Akerman DVD, worked on some email, paid bills.
Made Swiss chard and a pot of rice for dinner. Heard most of a CD of later Tampa Red sides, 40s-50s, that Bree was using as exercise music, inc. “It Hurts Me Too,” which happens to run over the same “Trouble in Mind” 8-bar progression I was writing about earlier.
Watched Pebbles (P.S. Vinothraj, 2021) via MoMa. Hard not to compare (facilely) with Ray, though far angrier in tone. Also a touch of What Maisie Knew.
Uploaded Laurie Anderson video to send to friends. Opened up some mail - finally got the Dry Cleaning album.
Short walk outside at 10 pm.
Read more Sharp in bed.