“If you had a smattering of education you would realize that perfection of form can give validity to any sentiment however preposterous.”
— Margery Sharp, Cluny Brown, 84-5
Up about 7. Read a chapter or so of Sharp.
Breakfast, coffee.
Started John Broven, Record Makers and Breakers: Voices of the Independent Rock ’N’ Roll Pioneers. Read about 30 p.
Also 10 p. David Macey, Frantz Fanon. Those 2 books are about 500 p. each; I think that will amount to the bulk of my reading for May.
Very slow day. Got involved in a silly Lifetime movie on YouTube. Answered a few emails, DMs. Helped Bree put away groceries.
Finally worked on a graf for a half-hour or so around 8:30.
Read 3 JA poems. Short walk outside.
Another 10 p. Fanon bio.
Lights out around 11.