“We made sure the songs were songs, not just funky blues. The productions had to have the R&B with a dance rhythm. Regardless of how funky it go, it had to have a melody so the songs could be sung by anyone. And, when we could, dress it up, put icing on the cake, which was the strings and horns…..If you check back, just about all of it had those elements. That’s why those songs survive today. The name of the game was the song, not the artist.”
Billy Davis on “the Motown concept,” in John Broven, Record Makers and Record Breakers, 335.
Up 5:30, listened to dharma talks, got back to sleep off and on, not really up until 9:30.
Took it very slow today, didn’t wright. Can’t entirely account for it.
Eventually went to the park, read a few JA poems and 30 p. Broven.
Saw Jeremy Tepper and Macgregor Card (separately) outside at E77 walking back; chatted w/ both for a bit. We’re all vaxxed. It’s still weird. It’s conceivable we’ll go visit Laura and Jeremy in their garden before too long.
Joined Bree’s call with Ron for a while.
Eventually wrote out one harmony exercise.
Went to bed around 11:30. Marketing criticism.