We were sitting there, and
I made a joke about how
it doesn’t dovetail: time,
one minute running out
faster than the one in front
it catches up to.
That way, I said, there can be no waste.
Waste is virtually eliminated.
To come back for a few hours to
the present subject, a painting,
looking like it was seen,
half turning around, slightly apprehensive,
but it has to pay attention
to what’s up ahead: a vision.
Therefore poetry dissolves in
brilliant moisture and reads us
to us.
A faint notion. Too many words,
but precious.
John Ashbery, Planisphere, 128
Up about 8.
Read another chapter of the marketing crit. book.
Have been watching a UK serial killer drama with Gillian Anderson, yesterday and today. No good reason.
Did another couple of harmony exercises, checked them on the piano.
20 p. Fanon bio. A few pages of JA, including the poem above, a real standout.
Read more JA later, finished the harmony homework.
Took out trash and recycling. Short walk outside.
Lights out about 11. Marketing crit, a couple p. of a book on pragmatism.