Up 9. 216.6
Wrote a chart for "Wedding of the Painted Doll." Oracle 12-3: Started a Dylan piece for LARB, thought better of it. Picked at "Goo-Goo Eyes." Stopped at library to confirm my address (system wasn't let me request books online). Rehearsed at / Bree. Train to midtown, finished 10:04, daybook. Met Drew at Community Church for 2nd show in AACM series -- Leo Smith trio (w/ Bobby Naughton on vibes; some intervals hurt my teeth); Thurman Barker Heritage Ensemble (3 horn front line inc. Bill Lowe on trombone). Ate after.
Listened to 2 CDs of a Lester Young box over the course of the day. "Shoe Shine Boy" (1936; exemplary rhythm changes head, sev. yrs before "Lester Leaps In"). Prose? Barely. Stalled on serious reading.