Up 8. Weight 213.7 (Thanksgiving will do that.)
Read quota of Pollack (the 2-3 page plot summaries of every Gershwin B'way show are amusing, but skimmable), finished chapter of Hartman. Went to E77 around 10, started to do email until I remembered it was no-laptop Saturday; read some state-of-poetry-criticism pieces in an 2012 issue of Virginia Quarterly Review, the most interesting begin Honoree Fanonne Jeffers' "The Subjective Briar Patch" (on the racist Vendler/Perloff responses to Rita Dove's Penguin anthology). Daybook. Read about 25 p. of Vic Hobson, Creating Jazz Counterpoint on the way to Oracle. Spent about 12-2 on email cleanup, related tasks (should I just say "correspondence"?), some related to Hadju show; made overtures to David Nagler about orchestrating "Enemies of Song." Glanced at this symptomatically bad Dylan piece in the London Review of Books. (Unforgivable sin, to me: discussing the Basement Tapes songs and bootleg as though they were disinterested, autonomous art rather than publishing demos to generate covers + royalties).
Wrote 3 grafs on "Stairway to Paradise," played through the verse of "I Can't Give You Anything But Love" (I rarely use the piano there) left at about 5:30, read a bit more of Hobson (nothing I have to retain, pages and pages on the disputed birthrates of Bunk Johnson and King Oliver, real jazz studies inside baseball). Totally exhausted: If I'm not sick, I'm close, and the change in weather and dehydrating steam heat in the apt. zonked me out. Dozed for a hour or so, dealt with more correspondence, ran though "I Don't Care" once w/ Bree. Found "Cowhand" chart, realized I'd never transposed the chords for the verse, so I did that, and spent a while entering "World on a String" into Sibelius (which I got reactivated by email). Quit doing anything productive around 10, lights out midnight.