
Up 8. Went to coffee, finished McClary. The book’s value is obvious, but I suspect some formulations have dated: “Madonna’s art itself repeatedly deconstructs the traditional notion of the unified subject with finite ego boundaries.” Black music is not really seen as a tradition with some of its own norms and conventions, but as something of value for its anti-hegemonic power. Caught up w/ poetry daybook, read a few more poems in Starbuck, Bone Thoughts. Liked the short-lined “Tapestry for Bayeux.” Bree went out about 1. I spent the afternoon listening through the songs for Laura’s set and writing chord charts for those she or Jeremy hadn’t done. Left at 4, got some charts copies, read New Jim Crow en route to Gowanus to rehearse at Mark Spencer’s place, w/ Laura, Mark, Jeremy, Kenny Kosek, and Dahni Claremont. Overall, the songs are simpler than last month, but I felt like some of my playing was hacky, and I have to get up on “Cow Cow Boogie” and the piano hooks on “You Don’t Know Me.” Got email from David Nagler – we had miscommunicated and he thought I was coming to DUMBO to run “Dress” tonight. Called and rescheduled. Car home w/ Laura, home at 10, lights out midnight.

[Mission of Burma, “After the Rain” to James Brown, “Again”]