Up at 9, out 10:15, read The New Jim Crow on the train. Therapy. Lunch. Bought a copy of Solomon Northrup’s Twelve Years a Slave from bookseller’s table on B’way – I need to write to Lara Cohen to get her talk about the song he prints at the end. Stopped in Lincoln Center library to look for Tom Petty sheet music – ended up checking out a greatest hits collection and taking chord notes on a few other songs (and “Handle Me With Care”). Got home about 3, rested for a bit, worked through Petty songs from about 4-6, got through half the set. Packed up the digital piano, called a car, got to rehearsal on 30th St. early. Rehearsed 8-11 w/ the “Murderer’s Row” band and some guest singers. Acquitted myself reasonably well (after getting called out for adding extra notes to the elec. piano riff for “Breakdown.” Will still have to work on a few parts on Thurs., after I’m past Laura’s show. Home by midnight, lights out 1.
[Orquesta de Pablo Valenzuela, “Agapito Ven, Ven” to George Jackley, “Ain’t It Great to Be Bloomin’ Well Dead.”]