Restless, up around 7. We checked out of the room by 9, found a (substandard) breakfast, went back to the venue from Friday (which is open for coffee in the daytime) and checked email, etc. Drove to Rodgers Book Barn in Hilldale, which had been recommended, then to a couple of places in Hudson. Spent more overall than I should have, to be honest – mostly nickles and dimes, but one record store just killed me on 3 obscure new wave LPs I couldn’t resist. Got something to eat for the car and started back to NYC just after 4. Listened to the 2nd Major Lance CD (slicker as it goes, unfortunately discovered that my used copy is missing the booklet), Act I of a contemporary recording of Rodgers & Hart’s Dearest Enemy (their first book show, w/ a colonial mise en scene, the hit “Here In My Arms,” and an amusing song w/ patter “trio” called “What Do All the Hermits Do In Springtime”) and Astor Piazzolla’s “tango-operita” Maria de Buenos Aires (sounded great, but I’ll have to sit down w/ the lyrics). Hit traffic before GW bridge, scrapped plan to go to IKEA in Brooklyn for CD shelves (since we have the car) – just too stressful while trying to get the car back on time. Made it to Jackson Heights maybe 8:30, took the car back and walked about a mile home (along the bus route, but w/out catching one). Fortunately, not that cold. Back by 9:30 – the trip’s finish line. Still need to record some expenses. Got in bed, read 50 p. of Wendy Lesser, The Amateur – unchallenging autobiography by the ed/founder of The Threepenny Review, which I picked up today b/c I’d liked her Shostakovich book. Lights out by 11.