Up 8:30.
Left about 10, read Latouche on train(s) - past p. 200 by the end of day.
Therapy. Bought a Bobby Short CD at Salvation Army after.
To Cooper Union, met David Mulkins to check out piano. Not tuned recently, and 3 bass notes (F, Bb, C#) sounded bad, but it will be ok for Wed.
Lunch with David.
To Lincoln Center. Worked on Pop Con piece, 4-8 (close).
Started Rodney Koeneke’s new Body and Glass on the train home. I think he’s one of the few people I know who looks at this occasionally. Highly crafted, often metrically regular or close to it. Harder (for me) to say anything to the content immediately, but the prosody is, to sound like a poetry review “ravishing.” So far, so good, Rodney! (Oh, I also listened to you and Sandra Simonds on that radio segment. She sounded less intimidating than she does online.)
Home by 9, ate leftovers, wrote to Jon Weber (Bree’s pianist). Watched a Perry Mason.
Lights out 1.