Up before 7. Watched SNL. Better than average - John Mulaney’s delivery/timing, while mannered, is effective. Jack White pretty bad.
Head to LIC/Communitiea around 9. Finished the Assayas on the train - strangely, there’s a lack of particularity to what he says about Debord’s films.
Worked 10 until nearly 4, doing a copyedit on all elements of grant application. When I read the chapters, they seem good!
Couldn’t find headphone adapter on train home. Read Moxley, finished it when I got home around 5. Most appreciated “The Chip” (earns its quietism), a Koch-ish cooking advice poem, and some holdovers from her more difficult style, e.g. “Flutter Out” and “These Houses,” which is effectively inadequate at getting at something difficult about (I think) the co-existence of all temporal moments. Comfortable-in-love poems to Steve, less comfortable ones about a poetic career.
Rested for an hr. Printed something for Bree. Made myself write a few pressing emails (also Facebook/twitter DMs, which is too many inputs).
Dinner out w/ Bree. Local Thai. Picked up bottled water on the way home. I hate the CVS.
Went out again 10-11, daybook poem + looked at “Viable.”
Read last 40 or so p. of Latouche bio, on the Legend of Baby Doe and JL’s death.
Lights out 12.