Up at 7:30. Watched Last Week Tonight.
Read this interview.
Read about 1/3 of Jenn Pelly’s 33 1/3 on The Raincoats on train.
Replied to editors of the pop music studies encyclopedia I’m revising the “bridge” entry for. Set a deadline of 5/8.
Therapy. Bought $1 CDs of The Chronic and a Brothers Johnson best-of at Housing Works. Lunch.
To Lincoln Ctr. Uploaded all elements of grant application except original book contract, which I have to look for at home. Took until about 4.
Took a break (dithered) for an hr. Ordered a recent Anthony Braxton solo CD, on Brad San Martin’s rec.
Spent an hour sending emails to people I want information from for the PopCon piece.
Looked for farm-raised salmon for Bree in Whole Foods, no luck.
More Raincoats on the way home.
Kept up in poetry daybook. Otherwise unproductive.
Lights out 2 am.