Up for a while at 2:30, but then slept through to 8. (Internal clock stabilizing.)
Did an hr. on dad’s taxes after breakfast.
Left before 11; listening to v/a Where the Girls Are, v. 7. This 1996 single by the Utopias is amazing.
Went to Sanctuary, drafted another 500 of bridge fairly quickly, then decided I should write to the eds for guidance.
Other email. I have 2 books out from NYPL that can’t be renewed - not sure what to do about fines between now and getting home.
Went home for a while to “supervise,” I guess, the shift change (put my dad’s mind at ease that he’d get dinner, really).
Left for L.A. before 5. Listened to Where the Girls Are and a disc of Rameau overtures on the way out.
Parked near the El Rey, read quota of Warwick in a Starbuck’s on Wilshire, daybook poem. Suppose I could have gone somewhere more colorful, or stopped by (e.g.) Amoeba. Trying not to spend money on records just for the sake of it.
Watched Rebecca Schiffman’s opening set (solo electric) - notably effective not to introduce herself before the first song, though she bantered later. Particularly liked a new one called “Song for a Writer,” which I could hear with a band. Talked to Scott Jacobson and one of his neighbors before/after. Watched about 2 songs of middle band No Joy (2 guitarists + drums, sort of a hard-shoegaze, quite skilled, couldn’t make out a word), skipped headliners Baths entirely. Talked to Scott briefly about possible “Flag Pin” video before I left.
Rest of Rameau and some Berg on the way back. Home at 11, read one story in Johnson, lights out before midnight.