Up 4-6 am, not doing anything of value. Up for good at 10, coffee, W&P. Finished assembling furniture w/ Bree; listened to last disc of Bebop Spoken Here (title track is a Charlie Barnet vocal novelty with an Emily Post joke). Read some Brecht - the (in)famous L.A. poems - an experience of Southern California rather different than mine, let’s just say. Went to E77 about 3:30, read DeVeaux until a seat at the main table where they allow computers opened up. Desultory work on form, 4-6 (at most). Chatted with MacGregor. Came home — Bob Durkee sent me a record cleaning kit + a t-shirt from the Desolation Center documentary — really nice, owe him one. Worked on organization and new to-do lists in a quasi-GTD vein, 7-9:30. I’m pretty overwhelmed with loose ends. Lights out before 11.