Have been miserable with cold, would rather lie down than write this. 6/23 - wrote 10-1, came home in time for run-through of songs w/ Laura, 3-5, worked on some charts later. Watched another 30 hr. of that Straub-Huillet Othon movie. Read 50 p. Kelley. 6/24 - Handyman over to do several tasks. 10:30-2 rehearsal at Smash w/ Laura and band. Came straight home after rather than trying to write somewhere else. David Brown was supposed to come by after canvasing for Tiffany Cabal in our neighborhood, but by the time he was done, after 9, we were both too tired - though I went out for some miso udon. Read 75 p. Kelley, a few poems in Martí; also listened to the reissue of 1944 Cootie Williams sides I bought recently, inc. the first release of “‘Round Midnight,” just discussed in Kelley. Broke the 2 wk chain of working on the book and horn charts at least briefly each day, but I’m just too sick.