Up 7:30. Feel marginally better. Bought some DayQuil and cough syrup. Read some Kelley, listened to Alhambra Love Songs, an odd (b/c straight) John Zorn piano trio record (he wrote the tunes, doesn’t play; Rob Burger is the pianist). Made some zucchini. Read the rest of John Holbo’s paper, sent him a comment. Practiced “When the Roses Bloom Again” (both versions) and took notes for the show. Left about 4, read Shepard & Wick on the way in, worked on the “goo-goo eyes” section after skipping a couple of days at 7 Grains coffee near Sid’s, had a bite at the Ethiopian cabbie joint (sinus-clearing jerk chicken), and went to soundcheck at 6:30. Pretty solid set - I got through my chorus; Boo underplayed compared to Mark Spencer; Doni, the fiddler subbing for Kenny, was quite good (liked the schmaltzy intros on “Miss the Mississippi” and “Someday You’ll Want Me To Want You.” A couple mis-called tempos and sloppy endings as usual w/ the amount of rehearsal we have. Stuck around for piano karaoke since I’d told a few people it was my half-birthday — Andrew H., Drew and Katie, Chris N., Alex M. and a couple of her friends who got up to sing and seemed to enjoy themselves independently. I sang “The Ladies to Lunch,” Laura committed to “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” 1 hot toddy, 1 cider, 1 shot of Four Roses - not advisable while sick, but I’ll live through it. Came back around 11:30. Just enough birthday. Lights out 12:30.