Up 8. Still congested, but energy is coming back. Read 25 p. Kelley. Can’t recall the later morning. Left about 12:30, worked at Lincoln Center from 1:40. Stupidly left my hand-edits from yesterday at home, but re-did the work, and sent 2500 words to Holbo just before 6. Checked out a recent critical book on Bert Williams, which happened to be on the circulating shelves, though I should also look at the biographies, which aren’t. Went downtown to see Gordon Dahlquist’s play Veil Widow Conspiracy at New York Theater Workshop. Finished the Cook biography on the train. Engrossing, nested narrative about the contemporary production of a film about China in the ‘30s, with which the contemporary Chinese government interferes, framed by scenes of a couple discussing the film in a seemingly dystopian Brooklyn in the near future. Had a bite at Mighty Quinn’s, listened to some of the Schramm songs on the way home, back by 10:30, didn’t stay up long. Put on a Morton Feldman string quartet.