6/8 It’s now Tuesday and I can’t do a blow by blow of Monday, but I spent about 3-8 at the library, still working on the intro revision. Dead when I got back; couldn’t do horns, poetry notebook, or the Canadian anthology. Read 50 p. Rappaport on the train, that’s it.
6/9 Up at 6. Sorted piles of books in my office, mainly into those I’ve read but want to copy my pencil notes from, and those I haven’t and might take to CA. Bought tickets for David Byrne on Broadway in October. I haven’t seen him perform since high school. Left at 8, read Rappaport. Therapy. Hungarian Pastry Shop, worked from maybe 10-2. Getting closer on this task, still tarrying w/ Adorno. Bookculture, bought poetry by Stephanie Young and Miyo Vestrini; had really gone in for a jazz studies book but in perusal it didn’t seem necessary (or very musical). Got a slice. Home by about 4, read until 5:15, worked on horns until 6:30. Dinner w/ Bree in neighborhood, as planned. It adds up. Wrote my daily poem at one point while she was in the bathroom. Home a little before 10.